ReCasa Financial Group is a financial lending company that provides services to real estate investors. Their rehabilitation loans provide 100% financing for the purchase, improvements and closing costs for 1-4 family non-owner occupied properties. Arisen created the initial ReCasa Loan System used by the ReCasa staff to assess new loan risks, track loans and interest, perform invoicing, apply payments, produce reports and administer short-term rehab loans.
After 11 years of production use, ReCasa asked Arisen to upgrade the system to a newer version of the ASP.NET Framework and move the system to Amazon AWS to reduce hosting costs. Arisen also rewrote portions of the New Deal Worksheet so that it no longer relied on using Excel in the browser via ActiveX. The New Deal Worksheet still used Excel but used C# code instead of VBA code within the spreadsheet to make the web service calls.
The updates made in this system upgrade were: